
Ok, I'm done with all the hipster, activists, and dumb ass people. I'm not posting anon, because I don't care. People need to start raising their kids right, and not blaming everything on everyone else. All you people out there who are saying punishment is giving them a talking to and not letting them play with their toys is bull. If my son smacks me across the face he gets his butt popped. I don't leave marks, and I never will, but guess what he hasn't slapped me across the since then. We implement time out if that doesn't work we go to the next step. People are such sissies now. Seriously I don't think you realize what your doing to society. All those kids you see running around and breaking rules and the parents backing them. Like all the kids calling police brutality when they were resisting arrest and FIGHTING the cop and the parents said their kid did nothing wrong. What is wrong with people? Our world can not be fixed by people who are to much of a push over that they let their toddler dictate what happens and not them. Think about the future! Everyone says "your not raising a boy, your raising someone's future wife" and "if you wanna know how you will be treated look at how he treats his mother" but all you people are letting your kids beat you up kick you and hit you and your just taking it. I have no faith in humanity. At all. We are going to be our own downfall and I hope that this generation having kids right now is able to see what they created. Our grandparents and parents got spanked, got rulers to the hand, and soap in the mouth and they are some of the strongest damn people I have ever met. Your raising a bunch of little selfish, entitled, assholes. Why do 8 year olds have iPhones and get to stay out till midnight? Because they have shitty parents. That's why.