2nd cycle after ectopic

I had an ectopic pg back in late November. My first period came right when it should have-about 4 weeks after. I have longer than normal cycles-40-45 days. DH and I BD on New Years and I wasn't concerned about protection because I didn't think I was ovulating. The next day I felt off so I decided to take an ovulation test and sure enough I was at my surge. We wanted to wait per doctors orders 2 full cycles before TTC again but if I do fall pregnant it will be a blessing. I'm now 4 days late with AF and have taken 1 test-BFN. Women who've had miscarriages/ectopics, has your first cycle been fine then the ones following a little wacky?! I have sore breasts and discharge but those are both AF symptoms for me and see what first clued me in the first time I was pg so I'm confused.