Morning Sickness Remedy that Worked.

Nicole B
I woke up in the middle of the night praying for something to relieve this nausea and extra, extra matalic saliva and boom! Next day my sister who is 3 weeks ahead of me called with a remedy that actually works. Take before bed 25 mg of Unisom sleepTabs (not to be confused with Unisome Maximum Strength Sleep Gel) when the ingredient Doxylamine, that is in the Unisom combined with 25mg of B6 ( Its difficult to find 25mg doses) will take away the nausea and let you sleep through the night. Then I take 25mg of the B6 three times a day. (I was told- DO NOT take more than 75mg of B6 throughout the day and no more than 100mg in 24 hours). I am not a medical doctor, just another pregnant mother sharing what works for me. Good luck and God bless!