
Courtney • {Married 10 years}《Boy mom》🌈rainbow#1🐉Oct 2011🌈🌈rainbow#2🐼Sept 2017♡ 3 Angel babies 😇😇😇 #3 due Dec 2020

Short background, been TTC #2 for 3 years now. It's been 6 months since I had an ectopic pregnancy...

The older my son gets the more people feel the need to ask questions like "when are you having another?" "Are you having more kids?" Etc.. people act like if you don't have your kids 3 or less years apart it must mean you don't want anymore. If one more person asks me I might loose my mind, I should start packing for the looney bin now. Friends, family, acquaintances, strangers... give me a freakin' break! It's none of anyone's business. I'm totally guilty of asking people too, so I get it. But I feel like I can't go 3 days without being asked. My son is 4 and it's the end of the world because I haven't had another yet. 😤

Ahh I feel a little better now.