My Boyfriend Does not want a baby

Vivian • God knows best
So for about 4 months me & my boyfriend has been trying for a baby he first told me he was all in to have a baby & starting a family.To hear today that he dont want a baby.I had to find out how he really felt by me asking him where does he sees us in 5 year's.Even tho when we first met he told me how he wanted to be married again with children.He seem to have said alot of thing's but never came through with them just to get me & now that he has me alot he said was not true.he have been married before for 8 years & i thought that's why he held back on getting married again.It's alot going on we have been together for 2 year's i am 25 & he is 32 but i really was looking forward to having children because time is ticking now im starting to feel like im wasting my time with this relationship i dont know what to do at this point.