Feeling super guilty

I have the life many want. I am a stay at home mom, we own a big house, I don't have to work and we live very comfortably. Every weekend my husband and I take our 3 beautiful kids to the museum, zoo, arks, shopping resorts and vuy our kids gifts. My oldest is 4, middle is 3, youngest is 2 montha old. Before I got pregnant with my 3rd a year ago I was starting to feel bored with my life. I got pregnant and had the baby to look forward to. Well baby is here and here I am again feeling bored, I even want to go get a job just for fun and to have some adult interaction. I look at my babies' faces and I feel so guilty. I love being a stay at home mom and being with them all the time but I think I miss getting ready and dressed to go work and interacting with adults. When I interact with adults now it is only when they ask my kids ages and things about my kids.

I cannot get a job though, day care for an infant is about 1000 plus a month, my 3 year old os about 980 a month, my 4 year old about 800 . . . So instead of breaking even we would spend more if I worked when I don't even need to!