Anniversary vent

Today is my first wedding anniversary. I was sweet and corny. He didn't get me any gifts, which whatever I don't care. We go to leave for dinner and he talks about wanting to drive the motorcycle. I'm already in a dress, and I pointed that out, and he says oh yeah cause it's just your anniversary. I blow it off, look up the weather and he takes the phone away. I go change and sit in the living room waiting on him, and he flips out again. He tells me that I'm putting my dress back on and I said no. His mother buts in and tells us to stop that we hadn't argued all day. Then I lost it. I went to our room and balled my eyes out. He then preceded to come down and tell me I was putting it on one way or another if he has to break my arm to do it. 
My very first wedding anniversary, ruined.