In need of support

I have been posting anonymously my miscarriage as I feel embarrassed that this has happened to me. I get that I shouldn't be embarrassed and I understand there was nothing I could have done to change it but nonetheless I still feel embarrassed. Only close family and my former SO family knows and would like to keep it that. I hate when people ask how I am doing after my miscarriage. 
Anyway, that is not what this post is about. I miscarried at 6 1/2 months July 1st 2015. As that day creeps up I am feeling very emotional and depressed. More so than my actual due date. Sitting here thinking about how I was pregnant this time last year and how happy I was is killing me. My former SO and I broke up 6 months ago so I can't turn to him for comfort. What did you ladies do that have experienced a loss during this time? Anything anyone suggests? I really just want to quit my job and be in my room for the next 3 months. It feels like I am re-entering a dark time in my life. I feel like I am reliving my pregnancy days all the way up to my miscarriage and I hate this overwhelming feeling. I am a program manager at a mental health facility and feel like I can't effectively do my job at this point. Please take some time and help me through this.