Anyone else enjoying the newborn stage?

This is my second baby. And just in awe of this stage. All the cuddles and I get to stay in bed and catch up on my tv shows. We nap together haha. Maybe cause I know how fast it goes but I definitely am loving it! Also it helps that this baby is so much more easier than my first was. So I'm appreciating it. 

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Posted at
My baby is five weeks old and I absolutely love it! She's just the best thing ever and I can't believe how fast she's already changing. I look forward to every stage that's coming, but am definitely enjoying her right now too. ❤️


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Love staying in pajamas with him all day!


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I'm enjoying my second baby much more as well. I didn't really appreciate the cuddled with my first one. Sad! I wish I did.


Mamabear • Jun 12, 2016
The first baby is usually hard with all the adjusting.


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Pretty sure my baby has colic...i just miss showering and peeing.


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I said I hated the newborn stage with my first. I didn't realize how quickly it went by. I'm trying to soak it up this time. This baby is much easier than my first. And I don't have PPD which I did the first time around. 


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I'm thinking the second will be much easier to just enjoy. My first I was so worried about everything but this time I'm going to relax!


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My first born is 5 years old so it's been a while since I had a baby. I really missed it. However with my first I found it very hard. This time around it's a breeze (knock on wood). He only Wakes up once or twice at night whereas my first woke up every 2-3 hours. 


Posted at
Same here! Much more pleasant than my first was.. I'm enjoying the newborn stage because it goes so fast and I hate the 2 year old stage. I'm dreading it. My 2.5 year old is a nightmare :( 


Posted at
I agree, so far she's a much easier baby than my first!!