Not being taken seriously

Lindsey • TTC 3 years, MCC 8 weeks

Hello I'm 30 and me and my fiance have been struggling with infertility post miscarriage for about 3 years now.

And I'm totally heartbroken. I feel like every doctor gives me the same brush off. Because we're a younger tattooed couple and our Infertility is so far unexplainable

No one has given us clomid, or any other medications hardly any tests (except sperm count and progesterone) which were mostly normal (husband has low normal sperm)

I keep getting the "you got pregnant once" excuse... we lost our LO at 10 weeks along 💔

My benifits will cover infertility... so I plan on just going to a fertility specialist and bypassing any more doctors and just paying the appointment fee

We also tried "the stork" this cycle so fingers crossed