PSA; please read

Hadley • 19 • Taken • Mommy to an angel baby
Lately I've been seeing a lot of young girls posting about sex advice and questions that may seem like common sense. 
That isn't what this is about. 
This is about all of the women that comment on those posts....
If a young girl has a question about sex or thinks they're pregnant or period questions... Don't be so rude to them. I see so many women attaching these young girls. 
"If you have to ask you're not old enough." Or calling them idiots. Please stop. Not every girl has a mom or a woman or sex education that they can go to with these questions. They turn to this community for guidance and answers and support. 
So before commenting something nasty or about religion - please think again. Think hard. Think of how your comment will make this girl feel. She may never ask anyone similar questions again. 
Keep girls educated. Help them. Support them. Don't laugh at them or mock them or be rude. 
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.