I need advice on what to do...

Kayley • 24 years old, I have a little boy who’s 4 and I’m TTC my second baby!! 👶🏻
I think i have postpartum depression, i had my 6 week appointment the other day and i told the doctor how i was feeling, my son has colic and barely sleeps at night. I am beyond stressed, and getting extremely angry when my son cries. I told the doctor this, and she said it's normal to stress with a colicky baby as long as i'm not feeling depressed. Yesterday i was feeling very low and started questioning how happy i was with my life. I barely have any friends, and got very upset about this. I am hating my partner right now and saying very hurtful things, i even mentioned leaving my son with him and dissapearing. I would hate to do that, but it's how i feel the now. I feel like running away from everything in my life. Should i go back to the doctor ?😭