I'm so confused...

Hey everyone, 
I'm 11 days late today. All negative urine tests, went in yesterday and got a blood test done and I got the results today and they said that was also negative. I was tested when I was 2 days late for any thyroid problems, hormonal imbalance, pcos and everything came back perfectly normal. I honestly haven't been stressing out this cycle, I've been relaxing this month most of all, no lifestyle changes either. I'm really really confused as to what's going on with me. I'm barely 19 years old so I doubt it would be any menopause or what. Please tell me what you all think. 
My periods have been regular my whole life, if they were ever late they were only 1-2 days late. I varied from a 28-30 day cycle. And i counted this upcoming cycle as a 31 day cycle even though last cycle was a 30 day cycle. Even with the 31 day cycle I'm still 11 days late.