She's finally here!

Due August 12th. Had 3 false labors. On the 14th I went to the hospital due to close and intense contractions. It was time. Called my family who live 4 hours away and let them know to start heading our way.  They started an epidural and I was finally out of pain. For now. Every so many hours the pain would come back again pretty strong and I'd have to ask for more meds. They thought my metabolism was burning through the epidural. I labored for 3 days at home and 21 hours in active labor at the hospital. The doctor we had was an on call doctor and not our chosen one, which we finally decided was okay if it had to be this doctor. He said the baby should be born between 4am and 8am. Our doctor came back on at 7:30am. It wasn't time to push until after our doctor came back on and we ended up getting her after all. I dilated to 4-5cm and the doctor said if I didn't progress within 4 hours we had to do a c-section. The nurse checked 4 hours later and I had gone up by 1cm. Hours later, the nurse did a cervical check and I realized I could feel it along with the catheter. She said I was still 9cm dilated. I asked for more pain meds because it was getting close and I was feeling almost everything. She said probably not... I was freaking out. I got more and begged for another check because the pain was so extreme in my rear and they told me to tell them if I felt any. She checked yet again, and said still 9.  I said it's time to push, I have to. It hurts too bad. She called the doctor who said we can start in 45 mins, and I watched the clock so intently.  It felt like an eternity. At some point in all of this which I can't recall when exactly they removed my epidural line and placed a new one. It had come out 3cm and I wasn't getting the medicine the way I was supposed to. I finally started pushing and my hips were on fire. Laying in the same position for 21 hours had killed my back and hips but I was under the understanding that she would be out soon and it would be over. I pushed and pushed. Kept asking my wife how much time had gone by. 30 mins. 45 mins. An hour. They kept telling me that the first baby can take quite a while. Every push they claimed I was so close. She hadn't really even moved. But she was moving down little by little and with that came extreme pain in my pelvis that I could not handle. My doctor finally showed up and checked me out and stayed during some of the pushing. I was so exhausted at this point I kept saying I can't do this anymore. They just kept saying "Everyone says that. You can do this, just keep going." I was taking minute long naps in between to recoup some energy and when I'd open my eyes again they'd be ready to go. I was in so much pain but determined to be done. They'd say give me 3 pushes and I'd do 4 or 5 hoping it would make a difference. My wife and I agreed to let them use forceps which we were against to begin with. Nothing. Then we agreed to suction which we were also against. Nothing. During suction and a mini break I opened my eyes to realize my doctor left me to go deliver another baby because mine was stuck. She came back and at this point I had pushed for 2 and a half hours. I was crying and begging them to let me stop and do this another way. I was exhausted and in so much pain. My wife had finally had enough and was crying too. She told them enough is enough and to stop torturing me (I love her). They said one more contraction and set of pushes and if there's no progress they'll have to do a c-section due to failure to descend. We agreed. Neither of us were comfortable with a c-section because my wife had been so terrified id die delivering. Now she already had to watch my horror show of an attempt at a vaginal birth and to hear this, I knew she was freaking out. I pushed as hard as I could. They kept saying "yes, yes keep going. Almost...!" Then the doctor said "Nothing."  (Later we were told that insurance wants women to push for at least 5 hours, it's cheaper to deliver vaginally.) She had to sew a cut in my perineum from the manipulator first which was painful considering the epidural wasn't working and my baby was stuck in my pelvic bone. My wife said that she looked down and there was a lot of blood running down a tarp, I can't even imagine what she must have been thinking at that point. They set up for me to have my second epidural removed (which was out 5cm this time, and not giving the medication properly) and to have a spinal done. Got my wife her gown and mask and told her they'd get her after the spinal was done. I was so scared, and I knew she was too. They took me back and got the spinal done and I couldn't breathe very well so I was given some oxygen. My wife came in and they began the c-section. I don't know how long it took but hearing our baby cry for the first time was such a relief after everything. While they did this our anesthesiologist took my wife's phone and got pictures for us. He also took pictures of us with her for us. I'm so grateful that he was there because he made it so much easier and was such a comfort in such a scary time. They cleaned her up and gave her to my wife to show me. She was perfect. She had the cord wrapped around her neck and had defecated inside me. Every time I pushed she was in distress. She was being pulled out and pulled back by her cord. They were able to stay for about 10 minutes to bond and then had to leave for the baby's first shot and bath while I got put back together. Being numb was nice because I'm sure being cut open without it is mind numbing but the pain of being sewn back up was awful after everything else. It took forever. I was so scared I was going to die. I requested a nurse be sent to inform my wife I was okay and almost done. 
Our baby girl will be 4 days old today and I'm so happy that she and I are still here. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. I was so unsure if we'd actually be bringing her home with us.
She weighed 6lbs 8oz and 20 inches long. Head was 33.5cm.
The doctor said my pelvis was too pointy for her to pass through and if I were to ever have another baby (highly unlikely, after this) that it would be an immediate c-section.