You know what im fu*cking sick off!!

I was at a shopping centre yesterday with my sister and her 2 kids and my boy (all under 3) we sat down next to the enclosed kids play gym and there was this poor mother, she had 2 kids 1 looked about 1? The other fresh out of the womb, the mum let the little one into the play area while she sat close by to feed the newborn the little one not long came back over to the gate crying, so mum stopped feeding the baby and placed her in the pram to get the little one, now the new borns crying and the one year olds crying and everyone is just goorking at this mum like fresh pray! I could see the mum getting awkward from all the looks, and unwanted attention, she was calm and collected, she was having a hard time with both crying children and all the damned looks! So she put both children in the pram and walked off with her head down and looked up at me as she was walking passed, i gave her a sympathy smile and a slight nod towards my son and my sisters kids and she gave me a huge smile back as in 'thankyou for not judging'.... i so badly wanted to go over to her and ask if she needed a hand with the new born while she settled the other or even just tontell her it was OKAY and shes doing a good job!! BUT you know what you cant do that in this day and age!! Without someone thinking you want to steal the child or you're judging their parenting or theyre a "bad" mum because they cant settle their child. This mother did an amazing job at trying to settle both children at once, i congratulate this women for keeping her cool and trying HER damned best in a sticky situation, i have been in this situation and i can garentee EVERY MOTHER/FATHER HAS BEEN THERE BEFORE!! it took a whole community to raise a child now it is all soley on the mother to raise her young, and everybody is judging no matter what you do! If my child chucks a tantrum in public im always going over the situation after wards "was that to harsh, was i not harsh enough, did i do something wrong, why do i have so many people looking at me, what are they judging me about" we as women and as mother's need to step up our A game and STOP JUDGING!! Stop criticising every thing that another parent dose!! Now i'm not saying everyone is judging but there is at least 1 in a 5 man group that would be judging the situation, i know its a human thing to do, but we all know how hard parenting can be!!! I just wanted to say THAT EVERY MOTHER IS A GOOD MOTHER, AND YOU ARE DOING A GOOD JOB!! KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK LADIES!! you know best for your baby and your parenting may be different to someone elses but that doesnt make you a bad mum because you know what? There is no such thing as a bad mum when you try your hardest everyday to make sure your babies are happy and healthy!!