Really enjoying the journey so far!

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
Me at the end of July (same weight now, but I avoid pictures. This is the most current picture)
Current weight: 220-230 (it fluxuates)
Goal: probably 150-160
My journey actually started yesterday. I decided to finally take advantage of the Y membership I have (I've been avoiding working out). I have lupus and fibromyalgia, so it can be hard to get the motivation, especially since swimming is the only thing that really works for me that I don't hate myself during (I have arthritis, easily overheat, and can go into flares because of  exercise). I'm also working on a vegetarian diet whenever possible.
Today I swam 1.25 miles and made the choice to get to-go from our vegetarian cafe-style restaurant instead of getting Wendy's (because we didn't have time to make dinner after work)
I'm also planning on making a chia seed pudding to eat at breakfasts. It's an overnight recipe and only 306 calories per serving. (I'm making my own recipe after looking at a bunch of recipes)