Husband and a gay club?

My husband said he wants to go with his coworkers to a gay club. I asked why a gay one, and he said he won't have to worry about girls there and can easily "shut it down" if a gay guy tries anything. Neither of us have been to any clubs before. He said he won't be stupid since he's with coworkers, and they wouldn't let him be anyways. They all know me. He said I'm welcome to come, and if it's all hooking up or raunchy then he would leave. 
Just last week a gay guy gave his number to my husband because he thought he was gay, even though my husband wears his ring at work. I had to give him a talk about not leading on people at work (girls or guys) even though he's married, that there's a line where he shouldn't act so flirty. He assures he was being friendly apart of the job. 
I feel uneasy since it's uncharted territory. Any input? 
We are both 24 and have 2 kids.