suicide is NOT selfish

I saw a post about it & I just needed to make sure all my saying on this topic are heard because I just really fucking rattled about this topic. Most of those who commit suicide are mentally ill. They cannot think straight. They truly believe others lives would be better without them. It's something these people usually think good and hard about and they TRY to find a way out but they're trapped. On the other hand sometimes it can be compulsive. I've had compulsions to kill myself and would frantically look for anything to use. I wasn't thinking & I couldn't think because my mind was just focused on "you need to die, NOW!" Yes, they left their whole family behind & depressed & they feel broken, but it's also important for the family to educate themselves on this. Mental illnesses are out of the persons control & it's not the person who kills themselves, it's the illness in the brain. It can look selfish, but it's important to remember that it happened because of a chemical imbalance in the brain. It's kind of like if someone had cancer & got a blood transfusion, but their body rejected the blood. You wouldn't blame that person for dying because their body didn't accept it because it's OUT OF THEIR CONTROL. For those who say "well I was in that position & it's selfish." Like I said, you were mentally ill & your judgements and views were clouded. Cudos for you if you could overcome it and find help, but that's not always the case. I think it's important to look at mental illnesses as if they were physical illnesses because they are the same except they just effect different functions in the human body. Please if you disagree, I'd love to hear your reason & im ready for what's thrown at me.