I am going crazy!

I just want to clean my house! How do you mom's with young infants do it?! I get him fed and to sleep, go to put him down or give him to his daddy and start a task. It is like he knows and wakes up and just wants me! He normally will play with daddy unless I am trying to do something. Or he will be happy and content in a bouncer or saucer stander until he sees me start cleaning. I look at my bookshelves and floors and cringe. I am embarrassed with the amount of dust and dirt! Luckily I am able to keep up on the bathroom and kitchen. But the rest is a battle. My husband will do dishes, laundry, and sometimes sweep, but anything else is all me. I am so grateful for what he does, but I need time to do my part too! Sorry for the vent! Anyone else in the same boat?