mom life is getting me down

So I'm 7 months pp. I had mild baby blues for the first 3 or 4 months. Allt was circumstantial (breastfeeding was a bitch, couldn't come to terms with the emergency c section, my grandma passed away just a few days after my little was born, my family live in another country which is really hard for me) let me clarify iv never felt and still never feel like causing any harm to myself or my baby. Anyways in the beginning I just had this awful feeling, I didn't enjoy holding my baby although I LOVE her, I also got pp anxiety I was worried about everything, I was always waiting and waiting for my husband to get home to take her (I do think having a hard time breastfeeding and having her attached to me all day played a part in this) anyways I kind of got over that at about 4mos and I started enjoying her a lot more. Anyways the past month or so I feel myself sinking down again, the sleep deportation is really getting to me, she's an awful sleeper and at night I have such little patience and I get so frustrated that I break down and cry. I'm home alone all day everyday for 12 hours as hubby is at work. I take my baby to Gymboree classes daily, plus we go out everyday, I also have a friend with a baby that I meet up with often so I'm not stuck alone all day. I just don't know what to do I don't feel myself and just feel uncontent. I don't want to go the dr cuz I really don't want to take medication and stop
Bf! My husband kind of knows how I feel iv tried telling him but he chooses to ignore it!