Question about 1st year birthday party seating

BlissfullySweet • Married to my awesome husband 💑👫 Mommy to my precious boy 💙😘👦🏻and 2 sweet girls 💜💜😘😘🧒🏻👶🏻. Baby #4 (the finale) due August 2021. 👶🏻💙🙏🏼
Hello, I'm a ftm and we're throwing my son a circus theme party for his first birthday. Will be lots of adults and also some children. Most of the children do not know one another. This might be a stupid question but, do kids sit separate from parents at a kiddie table? I've seen so many decorating ideas online and I've noticed that most tables are prepared for the kids (plates, party hat, noise maker, etc.) If I just have kids sitting next to parents as I'm assuming they would want since they don't know the other kids, do I just give them hats and stuff when they walk in? Sorry, I'm probably making this more difficult than it is but I haven't gone to many kid parties and have no clue what to do. If it matters, we are renting out a space, this is not a home party.