overwhelmed with breastfeeding...

Brittney • Mama of 2 girls with baby number 3 on the way (hoping for a boy!!)
I love the fact that my body can give my daughter everything she needs. But I am getting so overwhelmed and frustrated with breastfeeding. It is a constant battle! Just when I think we are doing great, she switches it up on me. Yesterday I was told to start a non-dairy and low fiber diet and I am to feed her in 5 minute increments with a minute or two of burping inbetween because of reflux. I am perfectly fine with doing these things for her... but in the last 24 hours, I feel like she is totally unsatisfied with her feedings. I could be feeding her for 30-40 minutes... and then within an hour she will be hungry again! All day long it's been like this. It's really making me want to throw in the towel. I can't do anything besides feed her... and I'm going to go nuts.