life after 4 kids

Erin • Interior designer; single mother of four; MMA fighter
I had my 4th baby almost a year ago. This is number 4 in 7 years. I've always been athletic and my body bounced right back after the first two. Just over 2 years ago I finally got to my pre-baby weight after baby   number 3. Then came the foot surgery. I put on 25 lbs just by not being able to workout and eating pretty bad. Then 4 months after foot surgery I got pregnant again. I've really been hitting the gym hard for the past 4 months or so. I was starting to get very discouraged because I'm not seeing the results on the scale. I'm 5'-7" tall and I currently weigh 178 lbs. My normal weight before kids stayed close to 150-155. But I'm feeling good. I feel like my clothes are fitting better and I'm feeling strong. I decided to look back on some pictures. I had a hard time finding any because I've steered clear of anything from the neck down!  But here's the transformation in the last 9 months or so. I just wanted to share my journey. I work 50-60 hours a week and take care of my 4 kids completely on my own. Some days I'm exhausted but I still push through at the gym. Sometimes I even use my lunch break to workout. And lately I've been eating cleaner. It's easy to come up with excuses to skip the gym or cheat on a diet. But the bottom line is being a strong, healthy mom for these kids and give them a positive example to look up to!  Even though I'm not seeing the weight loss results I'd like, I'm making progress and I'm sticking with it! We just need to remember that we didn't put on this weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight either. Hard work and dedication do pay off!