What in the actual hell? bloody toes from CIO? TMI KIND OF

Has this ever happened to anyone else? After a year we're finally trying to transition baby to his crib and it's going terribly. He will cry for around 3 hours straight or more. Last night he actually finally fell asleep but standing up with his head on the sidebar. And when I went Olin I noticed tons of blood on his sheets! I freaked out and checked all over and found on the tops of his toes two big blisters and along the bottom of his toenails was bleeding. Has this ever happened to anyone else? It doesn't seem to bug him but seriously wtf. And I apologize, but I can't find the TMI for the photo anywhere 😩 Sorry if this is gross 
EDIT: I definitely DID NOT let my baby cry for three hours straight without checking on him. I waited (literally set timer) for 15 minutes and my SO and I would alternate going in and calming him down and he calmed down. We only left him when he was seconds away from falling asleep. I'm not a child abuser lol. My child is the most heavily coddled child you'll ever meet. I have an impromptu trip coming up and that is the reason we have resorted to this. My child is incredibly stubborn and has not even remotely taken to any other method.