Mil rant

Who has a mil/baby's grandma that thinks you dont know what your doing? She hasn't seen the baby since he was 5 weeks because when I did take him she was so controlling, put cereal in his bottle w/o me knowing, feed him every 10 min, didn't let me hold him etc. He is now 8 months I went to lunch with her and baby's aunts. The whole time she acted like I didn't know what I was doing. She tries to give him oily fries and a bunch of other stuff. She wants her son my soon to be ex husband off of child support he hasn't worked in 2 yes its time for him to grow Tf up and work he has not seen his son since he was 4 weeks and got us evicted from our apt. Am I wrong for not wanting to take baby around her? Also, she is Haitian so she said she put voodoo on me thats why I saw her today.

Can someone please comment. Idk if I'm wrong or not.