Serious please READ!!! 👮🏼🚗🚔!!!!

I was driving and the street merges and a guy almost hit me. I beeped not trying to start anything just saying dude you're gonna fuckinf hit me. This kid was late 20s. As he starts flicking me off and screaming at me for his mistake So as he's behind me he's on my ass I couldn't even see his hood so I break cheaked him twice telling him to back tf off. There is only one lane on this street and another going the opposite way his ass goes into oncoming traffic where it's hood to hood he almost hits a car and a man on a bike And he gets infront of me and breaks hard asf so I could hit him and as I get close to getting  hit in the back. He's did it at least 7 times I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my stomach is hurting so bad from him breaking so much. He then started to follow me and he tries to run me off the road to go onto the sidewalk to where I almost hit people. He rolls his windows down and start cursing and I told him I'm fuckinf pregnant you sick fuck and he goes to say I don't fucking care. I went to the police station and they can't do much but I do have a picture  of his license plate and car going in reverse. The cop said he will run the plate and go to his house and put a scare in him and they can only ticket him for going into the oppitsite lane and I would have to go to court for that but now since my stomach hurts and my baby could be hurt I might go to the er and or dr office tomorrow and tell them what happened. Could the guy be charged with a lot and pay the medical bill since he hurt my baby?? This is his car going in reverse and idc if you see his. License plate he can go fuck himself. What would you do!?!?  He needs to pay for almost killing me and my baby and I pray my baby is okay would you go to court he needs to fucking pay