Biracial children better when mom is white?

SeeEmSpice🍁 • Kyi🎭•Biracial • married🧔🏻• mom👦🏻 • Work hard• sarcastic • NRA • BlackLivesMatter✊🏽 • 🏳️‍🌈 LBGTQIAPD supporter •
So recently I was hanging out with a group of friends, some of which I knew from high school and some I made later in life/at work. So we all were just talking and then out of no where one of my friends goes: "You should be happy your mom is white. My mom is awful." I kinda laughed it off at first and asked what she meant by that. This friend in particular is Biracial just like me but she has a black mom. We have known each other since 9th grade. Anyway she goes on to explain that when Black women have Biracial children they treat their Biracial kids better than they would a fully black child. She said she is the only one of her siblings that is mixed and her mom treated her like a toy always dressing her up all the time... snapping countless pictures. She said it made her fully black sisters dislike her. She then went on to pull up some bogus website study about how Biracial kids with white moms do actually turn out better. I told her she shouldn't believe everything she reads. She brushed me off.
 Then another girl( not a friend of mine just a friend of a friend) said: "Biracial black white mix is boring and common. That mix is nothing special in my book I wouldn't treat that child any different than any other child. Now a better mix with prettier babies is black and Asian. Those babies are cuter, rarer and smarter. More exotic if you ask me." I tried to hold in my anger but for some reason I couldn't and all the other girls agreed with her comment except for me. I was very disgusted so I ended up leaving before I could finish my food. I got a to go box and paid at the front. My friend texted me this morning calling me rude😒 I don't think we can be friends anymore. 
I'm surprised people really even think these things let alone say them.