Baby Number Two

Allison • Mommy to a beautiful little girl and pregnant with our rainbow baby 🌈

My husband and I always agreed we would have at least two babies, he even mentioned three at one point, and that we'd have them preferably before he turned 28 years old. He's 25 and I'm 23 and we currently have a almost one year old. I personally wanted to have another baby close together so that my daughter would have the siblings I never had and to have them close in age so they can progress and play together. I'm not pregnant and I'm not actively trying yet. But recently my husband has been commenting on waiting a little longer than I wanted to start trying for baby number two. I'm trying to understand but it's hard. His doubts in having another are making me question my own wants now. I know things will be difficult with two. I'm not stupid, things are already interesting with one lol. But is my man seriously the only man who isn't super interested in another?? I feel so down sometimes when I see all these husband's jumping for excitement over another baby. But mine hates when I bring up the topic of number two. *sigh*