stupid co-workers


so i just started at Jcpenny and i love it.. sorta. My first few days were super cool. I started to make friends, we were laughing and having fun (while we were doing our jobs of course) then I wore my lovely pentacle that my husband gave me when we started dating 7 years ago. (I'm also wiccan) then all the cool friends that i was making started being rude and nasty to me from there on out.

Now every time i have to work with them, they treat me like shit, make me do all the work (which is fine because the bosses see me do it all not the others) and yes I know I'm not at JCP to make friends, but it sure does make going into work a lot easier and a lot more fun. I feel like they don't like me because of my religion. I want to confront them about but I'm the type to not cause drama. but when push comes to shove i will say something. I just don't know what to do. My husband says just let it go and keep working. that they are only acting like this because I'm new and I'm a threat to them because I'm a hard worker. but i want to resolve it so I can enjoy work..

UPDATE: Well the harassment is getting to the point to where I'm getting picked on infront of customers. I've bite my tounge and 100% ignored her, but it seems like she "recruits" people to harass me even when she is not there.

So a few days ago, my assistant lead handed me a paper saying that I was invited to talk to the general manager of my JCP. (light at the end of a very dark and long tunnel) It says that if there is any thing that they can improve, any ideas that can make shopping more convenient, and a better working/shopping environment.

I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place on if I should memtion the situation to him. Even if it means pulling him aside to have a one on one convo. I've talk to the important people about my situation and all 3 of them said that I should just word it in a way to where I could express my situation where I don't need to mention any names.