It Has Only Been A Week...


I left for college last week! I got acceoted for a new job then too! Exciting, right? My family was so excited.

But here is the kicker... I know each parent has their own way of handling the oldest (me) leave their nest. And my sister has her way of dealing. But i never thought that when i came home to "babysit" my sisters (their 16 but just got grounded) that my whole family would not care. Nor show any emotion that I had left. My mom was excited to get me out of the house... I don't think I was a hard child, to the point that they don't care...

They replaced all my pictures. They took down my senior photos, and all the others as well. At first I thought maybe that that's what they were planning on doing when I moved out and what they did with my older brother (step brother, not related to my mom). But he still has framed photos of him up. They replaced me with my dog...

I never had the prefect relationship with my sisters either (step and half. They are the same age too) but it really hit me hard when they honestly could not care less when I left the week before and did not want anything to do with me. They even said i make everything awkward when i am around, then tried to play it off as a joke...

Obviously none of you know me or anything, so no one can tell me if that's true but... am i crazy for being upset over this? Its like i never exsisted in this house. I moved only an hour away. I was a good student, i made great grades and studied. I worked my was off to pay for most of my college. I just don't see why no one cares... all i want to do is cry now.

TL;DR: Its been a week and my family basically got rid off any evidence i exsisted in that house. They took down photos and don't seem to care when i came home for the weekend. Still have photos of older brother (only by a year). Am i crazy and over reacting?