So irritated...

I made a post talking about how every girl is a different level of tightness/looseness and that there's nothing wrong with how your vagina feels and almost every girl in the comments is being super rude and trying to shut me down. But I'm so sick of hearing guys tell girls that they're sluts if they feel loose, or hearing girls tell other girls that they're lying or that they aren't turned on if they feel tight. It took me literally five times of trying to have sex to be able to and get used to the feeling of it, and sex to this day still hurts me after about 10 minutes bc my vagina is tight. That is not a fucking good thing for me, there's no reason that I would brag about my sex life being painful and difficult. Not all vaginas are equal! A lot of girls skin rips when they're giving birth, a lot of girls skin doesn't rip. That's because some girls stretch out more than others do. I'm just so irritated at the negativity! I'm also super scared to get pregnant and give birth, because if it hurts for me to fit a normal sized penis in me for more than 10 minutes, I can't imagine what's going to happen to me when I give birth 😕 and I'm just really upset that I was basically called a liar when I made a post on anonymous, with no reason to lie about anything trying to tell girls that the way they feel is okay. And I'm not obsessed with anyone else's vagina, this is an app for all women to talk about their bodies and help other girls with their bodies. If you're only worried about yourself then maybe this app is not for you.