Need advice :/


So I'm talking on the phone right now with my boyfriend and honestly I don't know what to do. We were okay until all of the sudden he told me that his parents were fighting and I kept asking why and he kept giving me little answers or details not saying at all what was wrong, just telling me "his dad gets mad sometimes" and it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it and kept brushing it off saying it was "okay". I knew it wasn't but I didn't want to keep bothering him with it. He then proceeded to tell me that he had been having some chest pains, which he had had before and it ended up being just muscles in his chest. So I didn't ask of it much because we had already went through it. Then he started being really quiet when we were okay a good couple minutes ago. I asked him what was wrong and he blew up on me saying "what's wrong? Are you really asking me what's wrong?" I didn't know what to say cause I didn't know he was gonna blow up on me like this. He said I'm never there for him and that when I have problems he is but when he has them I'm not there. He was crying and I could hear it in his voice. I told him that I didn't know it was that serious because he seemed to brush both of these situations off, and he's done that with so many problems in the past. I told him that he never tells me his feeling but just tells me his problems so I never know how I'm supposed to act. If to ignore them or try and make him feel better. So far now it's worked if I just don't remind him of his problems and help him forget and all of the sudden I don't care about his problems. I don't know what I did wrong. I did kinda go off on him too saying that he's always worrying about other people's feelings he never has time to worry about his. He keeps telling me to go to sleep too and I keep saying no that I won't be able to and he said "welcome to my world of not sleeping" (he has been trouble sleeping recently). I don't know if I did something wrong. Ugh.