The worst generation!


So I am pulling into work (yes I'm a millennial) and I see a co worker (a baby boomer or a little younger) open the door and clearly look at this extremely old man a few steps behind him and instead of waiting a minute tops to hold the door for this old man with a walker he just shuts the door and doesn't worry about it...... we are in the Deep South and let me just tell you WE HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR THE ELDERLY ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE STRUGGLING!!!!!! He is a Real Estate Agent and it's 8:10am. I am the coordinator and I know he doesn't have anything scheduled before 8:30am. He could have waited one minute to help this man!!!! Heck I tried my best almost killing myself trying to park and get out with my bags and breakfast to help him but he had already got himself in after struggling with the door and his walker..... maybe baby boomers need to stop blaming and complaining about our generation when they are the generation that started loosing respect..... maybe the reason children, teens, and young adults show no respect is because we didn't have examples or role models to learn from growing up. Instead of blaming the outcome blame the cause...... but most importantly. Instead of being so caught up in your world take a second to look around to see if you can make a difference in someone's life! This post isn't about generations as much as it's about how we have lost sight of what's important. Being a family and community. Lending a helping hand. So I challenge everyone to stop every once in a while and go "can I spare a minute? Can I make a difference?" Because if you ask yourself that you probably can!