Clonidine while pregnant

I was on clonidine before I got pregnant. They took me off all my medication and the past few weeks (4) I've been having really high anxiety and now pretty bad and frequently panic attacks. The yesterday I had one so bad where I was hyperventilating, sweating, dizzy, and lower abdominal pain. I even past out a few time for less than five minutes at a time, even with the ac on full blast. The pain in my stomach lasted a few hours after the panic attack.

Little background story: boyfriend and I had to take a 16 hour trip yesterday, and a year ago I got into a car accident being in the passenger seat. I have PTSD growing up and have these attacks for the past five years at least.

I get that maybe being in the car for hours on end, did drive for maybe four hours of the trip, could have definitely caused me to freak out due to the previous car accident. But I'm having panic attacks in places I didn't really used to and they are an everyday thing sometimes more than one, some worse than others. Not many days do I not have one. I know that people go crazy during pregnancy but I shouldn't be having to avoid everything that causes me to have a panic attack. I've been a little over two weeks of no stepping outside my door, and usually only go out to go to doctors appointments.

I feel like I could harm the baby if I continue to have these panic attacks, because I'm sure hyperventilating isn't good at all for the baby.

Has anyone taken this while pregnant, and if so how has you and the baby been during the time you have taken it. What other things have you taken for PTSD while you were pregnant?