I need EVERYONES opinion! Please!

Maggie Lynn • RN to be👩🏼‍🎓 DBK ❤️ Rainbow baby baking 🌈

To begin, I had a D&C.;

I need to know in YOUR experience.

I had been pregnant 11 weeks, saw heart beat at 6 1/2.

During my entire pregnancy I had EVERY healthy baby symptom. (Sickness ALL day, boobs soooo sore, tired all the time)

Went back & got ultrasound for 11 weeks & no heartbeat the baby was in the corner of my placenta balled up.

Okay so my doctor says to me "the baby didn't create enough cells to keep developing && also that one out of ten eggs will do that?"


Did you mis carry?

Did you have D&C;?

Was your body still "pregnant" with the dead baby inside?