My best friend constantly puts me down

She's always making fun of me. Like everything about me. Im really skinny and tall where she is about the same height and thicker. So neither of our bodies are perfect (note, I've always complimented her and I try to make her feel good about herself) It seems very highschoolish and I guess it is but her bra size is literally a B and mines and A but is still constantly making fun of me having "flat boobs" and having a flat booty too. Also not counting the many times she has made fun of my teeth, hair, EYEBROWS, style and at first I took it as a joke but now after years of taking it- it kinda hurts. Ive never ever made fun of her or made her feel ugly. Not to count I have always been there for her from all of her relationship issues to standing up for her when people bullied her. Not to mention the many times where she has stabbed me in the back. The first time she talked about me behind my back, the second time she took another girls side when I got in a conflict with her and the last time I stood up for her and then a month later she turned around and told a bunch of stuff about me that was to never be told. I have been friends with her for about 9 years and idk if i should cut her off. Thanks guys any advice helps