Baby name argument 😒😬

So the DH and I have had some disagreements over the names of our baby. He picked out a girls name and just sprung it on me "Tabitha Denton". I was (allowed) to pick out the middle name, but I hate Tabitha. I told him that I would just call her Abi or Beth for short. Now, I have a couple boys names that I really like, and I have had enough respect for him to run them by him. He has turned down every single name that I have thrown out. He tells me "there isn't a name that has rung right in my hand, and this is my son" Like am I just a vessel for your progeny and have no say. He has made me feel so insignificant, and I tell him this, he just says "Okay". I just feel that he has no respect for me and doesn't want to listen to anything I have to say. My feelings are tremendously hurt that he didn't feel that he needed to run Tabitha by me, but I run all names by him. I want him to love our sons name, but he doesn't want the same for me. I am just at a loss and don't know what to do.