does my SO expect too much of me????


my LO is 10 days old and I'm having trouble appreciating my SO and what he does to help. the reason why I'm having such a hard time is because of the things he says/expects of me with a newborn. I am currently in debt and so rely on him for grocery money, and now that the baby is here I need his help with gas/insurance/etc . I make dinner and his lunches every day because im scared that if I say I can't than he will think I'm incapable and not pitching in . I don't think he realizes how hard it is to have a newborn and the sleep deprivation that goes along with it. it's only been 10 days since my LO arrived and he already gets frustrated if I make little mistakes (leave a diaper out). The hardest part is that he expects me to start working right away so I can pay for my own expenses. I am also finishing my last year of university. I just feel like he expects too much of me and I feel inadequate if I can't do the things he expects. I want to do all these things (dont get me wrong) but its overwhelming to have the expectation right after a newborn has arrived. Does he expect too much of me or is this reasonable?