Am I Too Insecure?


Okay, I'm going to preface this by saying that I actually love the way I look! I even often get confused if someone calls me ugly or something because I don't think that I am, but I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I understand that some people are not going to think I'm attractive and I'm completely okay with that bc I love myself.

Here's the problem:

My boyfriend, when he compliments me he calls me "cute" or "adorable" and that's all. If I bring attention to it he may call me something different but it always sounds forced. Yet, he'll talk about celebrities and other girls that he may or may not know and talk about how they're hot or sexy or blah blah blah to his friends. He never talks about me like that. I know just based off of what I've heard (we've been together for a year and some months and I've known him for four years so I know him really well). Also (I don't want to make this about race I'm just stating that he may have a preference) I noticed that he always thinks mixed or white girls with long hair who are tall and skinny are the types he usually talks about in the highest regard. I am none of those things. The only time he really seems attracted to me is if he's horny or something. Am I over-reacting and being insecure? Or do you guys think he's really not attracted to me?