Update: Rant: Parents that don't pay attention to their children.

Sorry, but here's another rant. Brought to you by my shit life and the fact that I don't have anyone to talk to.

Today I am disheartened by my infertility and how many "mothers" I see not paying any fair attention to their children while I'm out in public. This may seem over dramatic but after my diagnosis, it seems like it's all I notice now 😞

Today it was something small -

Where I live right now the wind is blowing INSANELY and leafs are falling like mad. A little kid and his mom got out of the car to walk towards a restaurant - I'm sitting in the parking lot waiting for my mom actually, so we can have lunch together - I enjoy people watching so I watch people as they walk in and I enjoy and envy those with children so if I see a child I especially observe. This kid and mom got to the door of the restaurant and he found a HUGE leaf and picked it up - now mind you, when I say HUGE, I mean HUGE - and was trying to do everything in his power to get his mom to look at it. He was saying "mom, look" over and over again and even began jumping. The mom was staring at her phone the whole time, and then when she was done told him to stop jumping and go inside. She didn't even care what she was trying to show him. Now like I said, it was small but for someone like me I would have been giving my kid my undivided attention in the first place as we had just crossed a parking lot of cars to get to the restaurant and then on top of that I would have DEFINITLEY payed attention after my kid called me so many times... but I'll never have one of my own so I'll never be able to give my child attention.

It's ok if you don't agree, but I am so sad right now I had to get this out and I didn't know where else... if you made it this far then thanks for reading and I hope you have a nice day.

For the comment about adoption: we submitted our application at the beginning of 2017 and have yet to hear anything back. I called around July but they told me to "be patient and trust the process". Surrogacy makes my husband uncomfortable, so he is unwilling to try that right now.

For the comment about judging moms: I'm not judging someone BEING a parent. I'm judging a so-called parent for NOT parenting.

Thanks for the comments

**Lol y'all are incredibly daft 😂yes I'm judgmental, so is the rest of the world, get over it - say you don't judge and you're a liar. Saying I'm judgmental means you bypassed the whole point of this post, because my point is PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILDREN. I didn't ask for a critique of my feelings. Good job on calling the kettle black. 🙃