Did I do the right thing ?


So my husband and his guy friends planned this night where they'd play poker and drink - whatever just be guys for a night. I was really excited for him to be able to do this because he went through awhile of no good friends and now he has some :)

Well this girl that I am good friends with - her boyfriend was going and she decided to go hang out with them ... and invite this other random girl? She texted me and some other girls and invited us all over and I told her that " in my opinion I didn't think it was right to take over the guys night but that it's my opinion and I can get over it," that's literally what I said and she got super upset and text my other friends behind my back and they all planned to get up and hang out without me ... anyways now I'm just upset cause we're all supposed to hang out tomorrow but they're being bitches ...

My friend group always values honesty and being real and not being passive aggressive but the moment someone is real..........

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