Let’s hope this one sticks!


I had a chemical pregnancy in early September (4.5 weeks or so) and was told to wait for 2 cycles before trying again, just to be on the safe side. We were going to start trying this month but it looks like that won’t be happening! I was totally not expecting this to happen, but so glad it did. We’ve been trying since May.

I must have ovulated later than usual because we started having unprotected sex around CD 16 which would be a few days after when I usually ovulate - thought we’d be in the clear! I’m now CD 31 which is 3 days longer than usual. I took an FRER 2 days before my expected period because I wasn’t getting my usual symptoms (headache, slight breakouts). It was negative. I was taking internet cheapies on day 28, 29, 30, even this morning. I just took another FRER and it looks pretty positive to me!

Let’s hope this one sticks around!!

Moral of the story: don’t let a CP discourage you and you’re never out until AF shows (I didn’t think I was pregnant because my last one I got positives on 9 and 10 dpo - this time around it’s more like 13/14 dpo I think).