Do I stay or do I go?šŸ˜ž

As much as I love my boyfriend to pieces! I feel as if he talks to me and wants me when itā€™s convenient for him? Iā€™ll explain properly..

I donā€™t know what you girls think or what your partners are like but my boyfriend doesnā€™t seem to like texting me much and if he does he will take 2+ hours to respond? He doesnā€™t like calling me anymore because he thinks that theres no point as he runs out of things to say, rather texts because he feels as if the conversation drags longer so therefore thereā€™s something to talk about? One thing I donā€™t get is before we got together we was best friends, he use to come to me about his relationship problems and we would go on hours on the phone.. especially when we got together I always got the vibe he just loved talking to me and spending time with me? We were so great, until it went downhill, he says heā€™s busy with work which is why he doesnā€™t want to talk much but he never had that issue before? I see him online on social media, whatsapp etc. I donā€™t feel comfortable when he adds girls on social media even if he knows them thatā€™s only because I lost my trust in him when he was speaking to his ex behind my back during our relationship but didnā€™t find out when we broke up because he wanted to ā€œfocus on himselfā€ due to our arguments.. but didnā€™t take him long to realise what heā€™s lost so I gave it another go.

Now after we broke up and got back together and when I moved out of his mums, he just seems very distant and Iā€™m sick and tired of chasing and wanting attention? Iā€™ve gone over and over with my feelings and how i want him to put more of the effort in he just goes completely against me? Never listens to what I do or say, even if Iā€™m upset? Iā€™ve always sat down and cried and told him I want the boyfriend back who I fell in love with.. and all I get is ā€œIā€™ve changedā€ honestly how can you change from last May to now? Is he bored? Am I just wasting my time?