need opinions


my 6 year old has a fine motor delay when it comes to writing. her doctor suspects adhd but were waiting and assessing slowly. her kindergarten teacher never kept me up to speed on progress or anything nor did the OT. she never wanted to talk about what she did at school that she just played with her friend. there were issues with bullying ( not directed at my kid) the principal did nothing and got transfered out. i made the desicion to switch schools amd this school is awesome. it has a great community, her teacher not only goes above and beyond for my daugnter but gives my son tools to help him get ready for kindergarten. My daughter is starting to feel lonly though cause her one friend she met no longer plays with her amd she is having issues making new friends. her teacher has rearranged the classroom to give her more opportunity to make new friends but it still has a bit of issues. but she is learning so much. so to switch her back or not. i mean i dont know if her grade 2 teacher will do the same but her brother will be in kindergarten so she'll have someone to play with for half the day. what would you say comes first. education or the social aspect. I want her to get a good education and this school will help her. but i dont want her to be lonely and get down and feel depressed. her old school has her best friend there. Im so conflicted mostly cause im more than aware of the lonelyness she is going through as i have expeirenced it my whole life especially school aged.

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