Advice on planning for #2!

Sara • 7.2.16 👶☀️ • 9.16.18 👼⛈️ • 8.26.19 👶🌈

My daughter was born July 2016, she is coming up on 18m now. My husband and I always talked about a 2-3 year age gap, so now is the time to start thinking about it! I have already gone off BC and we're using condoms for now just so my body can regulate off of the pill for a few cycles before we actually start trying. So please tell me your experiences if you have children around this age gap! Would you change it? How did you know you were ready for #2? Is going from 1 to 2 as hard as everyone says? If you had a sibling 2-3 years apart from you, was is good or bad growing up, and are you close with your siblings? I want to hear it all! :) My first was a difficult baby but is (so far) a much easier toddler, so the thought of another one doesn't make my uterus jump out into oncoming traffic anymore, but I'm still apprehensive. And I still have some weight to lose for a healthier 2nd pregnancy (1st was high risk), I know you can't plan everything but I just like to think ahead!