Am I being mean or I dont really wanna say selfish?

Alexis • Im 27, you can call me Lexi 💕 First time mommy to a baby girl 👶🏽🎀 now baby boy 👶🏽💙 Was pregnant with identical twin girls💕 Guardian Angel 👼🏽 4/26/17 Miracle Baby 💕🎀 12/13/17

Our daughter is only 6 days old, and last night I slept in my moms bed with my daughter because I feel more relaxed when my mom can help me with her. When she cries and I cant make it stop it makes me overwhelmed and my mom can usually help calm her. I left my boyfriend in my bed. I slept in my moms room the whole night. Its just when he’s around I feel like i stress because i know both of us don’t know how to do much when it comes to our daughter but i think knowing my mom does gives me a calmer feeling. I don’t want to be mean to him because we didn’t stay in the room

with him. :/ he came home from work and the baby was sleeping and when we went up for bed she woke up, I breast fed her, then changed her diaper. She started to cry and he held her to try and make it better but then I took her and she calmed right down. I felt bad because he goes “ I think its me “ “she doesn’t like me”. I told him no its not you it prob because she is used to my smell and plus i carried her for 9 months she knows my voice and stuff then I left him in there and went to my moms room. i feel like doing the same thing again tonite because It really helped me get more sleep than I have been, I also wanted him to get sleep because he works.