Facebook Pregnancy Group Drama

On a Facebook pregnancy group should women who miscarry be aloud to post graphic photos, graphic information, saying well I’m out of being pregnant, etc? I do not think it should be on a pregnancy group page. Especially a July 2018 baby group where a lot of us aren’t in the safe zone yet for not having a miscarriage. It is still early on and can create a lot of panic and unwanted stress on the mother. I got kicked out of a group for saying my views on this. As a woman who has had 3 miscarriages I don’t not agree with it at all. My comment on a post about how these women are not supportive of miscarriages was this “This is not a miscarriage support group. This is a pregnancy group. Move onto another group of you need to post such graphic images and graphic material. End of story. Simple as that.” That pissed off some of the girls on the group and the admin of the group deleted me off of the group. Is it wrong for me to feel like this? Am I just a heartless person?