What is this?

For the past two years or so... something's been different with me and my mom. It's like someone replaced her.

She screams at me for the smallest things (turning the radio) and makes my life at her house unbearable. (Ex.. I can't shut my door, she comes in my room in the middle of the night and watches me, she micro-manages every aspect of the day). But I honestly loathe her. She abused my dad and lied about it, stole from his home, and is an all around pessimistic prickly monster who darkens my doorway.

And I know I'm not the perfect daughter. I talk back sometimes and argue. But I don't think it's healthy for me to loathe her like I do. I don't think it's fair either, since she provides for me.

I don't know. I'm only 13 and am very confused. What can I do to make the situation better?