I am nothing without you.


I just wanna take a minute and express how blessed I am. I prayed for this little blessing for a while. I didn’t have a mom growing up, I had a dad and two brothers. And my father wasn’t too easy on females ( whole different story ). So I never really had the unconditional love a mother has. I cried many times, begging God for a child I could love and be loved by, the pure unconditional love that just warms your heart and makes you feel just perfect. I met this man and we quickly fell in love.

We stayed together no matter what came our way. We TTC for some time but it wasn’t our time, that’s too personal to explain but believe me when I say I went thru hell. Finally in 2014, our time came, we found out I was pregnant❤️. I cried I was so stinkin happy!! -fast forward- We’ve been married 6 years now and our gorgeous daughter is 3 years old this year. She has been more than what I could have ever dreamt. Everyday I thank God for her, everyday I try to be a better mom to her than yesterday. I take parenting her very seriously and I feel like I fall short every day in doing my best for her. She is so kind, very smart, such a happy little girl. She brightens my world. I always get compliments on how well behaved she is, I didn’t have a motherly example and I am a “young mom” so I take great pride in my daughter and the woman she has turned me into. Because of you.. I am whole. Because of you I know what true love is. I will forever be in your debt, you saved me.

I promise to continue doing my best for you, I promise you can always trust me to be there for you. I will support you 100%, you are my best friend and well... without you I am nothing. Mommy loves you Ember Rain. Keep on being you babygirl ❤️