I just wanted to take a bath 😡


I’m 5 weeks pregnant and already feeling really sick. My partner went away on a camping trip this weekend and didn’t even get back to cell service until after 1 today. I waited for him to get home for another 2 hours so he could watch our 18 month old while I take a bath. Of course he comes in reeking of campfire which immediately starts turning my stomach. I send him straight to the shower to clean up before it’s my turn to relax. When I go in to run my bath the freshly washed tub is FILTHY and won’t drain!! I never take showers so I hadn’t realized it was clogged but it’s obvious that it’s been clogged for a while. He didn’t think to pick up some draino last week? Or ask me to pick some up on one of my many trips to the store? I just want to take a freaking bath and he doesn’t get why I’m so irritated. Sorry, had to vent.